Thursday, May 13, 2010

You can have all of me, Volcom tat included.

Who am I?

I'm Denny. I once dreamed of being a writer, until I had the stark revelation that what I truly dreamed of was being published. I've been called a liar, an honest man, a thinker and a tool, a cheat, a writer, a sneak, a thief, brave, cliche, original, an idiot, a genius, Denny D-bag, fat, skinny, feminine, manly, evil, sweet, and even, as my friend Chris Evans says, "the king of fresh." I've been some of these things some of the time but never all at once, and some of them I hope to never be again.

I wouldn't feel right not mentioning that I'm a junior (as of today) at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego and that my major is entrepreneurial finance. It sounds much cooler than it is, which is precisely why I chose it. I enjoy long walks on the beach, as long as it's to get to good waves, and whenever I see a product made by Kohler, I instinctively say to myself, "The bold look of Kohler"

There's much more I could say about myself, but I don't want to be too self aggrandizing, especially this early in our relationship. At any rate, if you continue to read this you'll get to know me soon enough. Speaking of relationships, I'm single and ready to tingle, or tinkle, or mingle or whatever they say. Just kidding, but seriously. It's a challenge to tell you who I am while I'm still just figuring out myself. Some people say you find yourself in college. I say you lose yourself and find a new person to become.

Anyway, I had my last final today, which means that my sophomore year is over, half of the so called best years of my life out the window. I guess this is what it feels like to be old. In a last ditch effort to increase my chances for success on my finals, and to look BA without the repercussions of permanence, I applied a good luck, temporary Volcom tattoo to my wrist. I can tell you it did absolutely nothing to help my Management score.

Oh, and one more thing, my latest musical addiction is The Decemberists.

Here's to Summer! (imagine my arm lifted with glass in hand.) Cheers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Life Examined

Today a very dear friend of mine said, "Denny, have you heard of this new thing called blogging? Or maybe it's yogging? Apparently you just write what's on your mind and anyone in the world can read it. It's supposed to be wild."
With my inherent sense of curiosity, I did a little research. Apparently a blog, short for weblog, as defined by the good folks at Urban Dictionary, is "A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as 'homework sucks' and 'I slept until noon today.'"
It is with this empowering inspiration in mind that I begin. In any case, as Socrates said, the unexamined life is not worth living, and, as it is the week of final exams, it seems ironically appropriate to begin this endeavor. Let the examining commence.