Sunday, October 24, 2010

Live a Good Story

I recently read the book A Million Miles In a Thousand Years, by Donald Miller. The driving force, the thread stitched through the narrative that holds the whole thing together is the idea that life is like story. There are meaningful stories, and there are meaningless stories. There are adventurous stories, and there are dull stories.

Life is like story.

The factors that make a story good, a goal, an inciting incident, a conflict, hellish pain, relational characters, overcoming conflict and hellish pain, character transformation, etcetera, are the same factors that make a life good. Story is when a character wants something and overcomes conflict to get it. If we apply the concepts of story to our lives, it’s hard to make the same decisions we used to. It’s hard to choose the couch over the trail. It’s hard to choose the mundane mediocrity over the adventure, over the “whimsy.” It’s hard to want to live a dull story.

Life is like story.

Live a good story.

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